Race For Green

Livelihood Development

ACE in Creating Livelihoods for Poor

The RACE has launched an entrepreneurship development and support initiative involving local youth and SHG members. The initiative is to develop and implement a well-planned package of interventions including capacity building training, back-stopping field support, identification of high potential sectors and subsectors within Non-farm and Farm based livelihood opportunities, identification and enhancement of business skills, productivity enhancement, building people’s institutions, and access to domestic markets for value added products.

The idea of RACE is to create opportunities for leadership development and highly productive teamwork for local communities. Project is aimed at increasing competitiveness from the grass root level and up in diversified value chains through different demand driven, commercially viable and sustainable business interventions in the unprivileged areas. Establishing forward and backward linkages, providing assured market to their produce thereby generating rural employment and enhancing household income is the ultimate goal of RACE.