The maxim of our work is to empower the local community in sustainable management of environment, and also facilitating to rehabilitate the environment to bring real effects by individual and collective attempts and efforts. In other words, people’s behavior and awareness of environmental concern as well as daily and hourly impact of climate change to their living environment should be firstly changed to mobilize them in the adaptation to climate change. Recognizing the natural resource decrease and exhaustion and that’s more than environment can stand providing regular livelihood.
Perception of RACE
Perception of RACE
sources, people should think about the needs to protect and live in harmony with nature for livelihood protection.
The environmental damage already inflicted due to alarming on-going population explosion, rapid movement towards urbanisation and industrialisation, increasing needs of energy and fast scientific and technological advancement cannot be reversed unless there is collective thinking, will and effort. These call for public awareness and participation for bringing about an attitudinal change and finally restricting further damage to the environment. Effective implementation of environmental management and conservation programmes depends on education, awareness raising and training in the relevant areas. Without an understanding of how to conserve natural resources and the compelling need to do so, few people would be motivated to participate actively in programmes on environmental conservation, Environment education and awareness thus assume critical importance. The ‘Environmental Education, Awareness and Training’ is an important scheme of the Ministry for enhancing the understanding of people at all levels about the relationship between human beings and the environment and to develop capabilities/skills to improve and protect the environment.
The overall aim of this Plan of Action of RACE is to ensure active participation of people in the achievement of sustainable development. While it is recognized that other factors relating to social, economic/financial and technical aspects do play an important role in achieving this objective, the active participation of community, including disadvantaged groups, action through voluntary, self-reliant organizations of their own choice is equally important. Without such participation, conservation and protection of environment initiatives are unlikely to be sustainable in the long run.